Cuts, Extensions in plots and Effects.

Enhanced NE towards E……..Excellent financial status, accumulation of wealth, Good health, happy family life.

Enhanced NE towards N…….Financial position reasonably good, Good relations among family members, happiness from children, ownership of vehicle.

NE extended plots are good and acceptable, the effects are more stronger if this extended place is kept open and only small plants are planted. Trees of huge size must not be planted here.


Enhanced NW towards N… Health problems, Losses through servants and enemies,obstacle in routine work, happiness from children, ownership of vehicle.

Enhanced NW towards W….Health problems, Losses through servants and enemies, Acqiusition of hidden treasure.

Shape should be corrected in consultation with vastu consultant.


Enhanced SW towards W…Health problems, Deficiencies related court cases, poor relations, reducing the life span.

Enhanced SW towards S…..Health problems, Deficiencies related court cases, Education, business, poor relations,  social prestige, promotion, progress, etc


Enhanced SE towards S, E….Poor health, poor results of efforts,


Reduced NE…..Financial losses, family problems, health problems, harmful effects from vehicle and house,

Reduced NW… Santaan sukh and wahan sukh severely harmed, mental dissatisfaction, failure in court cases,

Reduced SE….Poor health, poor results of efforts,

Reduced SW… poor health, poor relations,


Reduction in any corner of the plot is not acceptable.